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Thus Spake Their Lordships! Quotable Quotes from Supreme Court Cases (SCC) 1969-2018 <b><br>(Only eBook Version Available)</br></b>
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Thus Spake Their Lordships! Quotable Quotes from Supreme Court Cases (SCC) 1969-2018
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Thus Spake Their Lordships! Quotable Quotes from Supreme Court Cases (SCC) 1969-2018 <b><br>(Only eBook Version Available)</br></b> 2 Reviews | Write A Review
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Product Details:

Format: eBook
Pages: 1390 pages
Publisher: Eastern Book Company
Language: English
ISBN: 9789351453215
Dimensions: 25 X 18 X 6 CM
Publisher Code: EA/1536
Date Added: 2018-12-10
Search Category: ebooks
Jurisdiction: Indian


The second edition of this monumental work has been revised and updated with many new headings like Extra-Judicial Killings, Foeticide, Hindsight, Honour Crime, Independence of Judiciary, Information Blackout, Normative Jurisprudence, Partner Right to choose, Patient-Doctor Relationship, Personal Choices, Privacy, Right to Single Mothers and Women's Empowerment, etc.

A legal quotation may be the core of the decision or seed sown for the future development of law. These quotations relate to many aspects of law and life. Some speak of the role of the State and the Judiciary, some comment on individual rights and freedoms, and others remark on nation-building. Some are idealists, some downright practical. Quotations from judgments of newly appointed judges to the Supreme Court have also been incorporated and the Judge Index updated, by which readers can refer to the quotes of their idol judges.

Notable Quotes from those landmark judgments of the Supreme Court which dominated the landscape since the publication of the 1st edition, K.S. Puttaswamy, where 9 Judges unequivocally declared the right to privacy as a fundamental right and Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Assn., where, 4-1, the Judges decided that Judges must have the final say in the appointment of Judges and many other judgments addressing other some very important issues: like protecting women's rights, the admonition of eve-teasing, etc. has been included in this edition.

Lawyers while researching cases, and judges while writing judgments, constantly recollect having read a relevant principle or quotation somewhere, but are not readily able to lay their hands on the decision. This compilation will enable the lawyers and judges and others interested in law, to access the appropriate quotation or principle with ease; refer to the decision, and understand the context in which the quoted statement has been made.


1. Classified by broad topics with a cross-referencing system for easy research.
2. The broad topics are further divided into sub-topics for finding quotations conveniently.
3. An extensive word index helps in finding the quotes which contain a particular word.
4. The Word Index includes Articles of the Constitution and Sections of Acts which helps to locate even an excerpt with respect to a particular provision.
5. A Judge Index helps in finding quotes of their idol Judges.


As a humble reader, I have no speck of doubt that anyone who is interested in legal history and objective delight will find the book extremely useful.

- Justice Dipak Misra, Judge Supreme Court of India

You will die but the words you speak or spoke, will live forever.

- Auliq Ice

Such a book on quotable quotes is a reflection of thoughts and a gateway to the minds of legal thinkers of the times. It is a sort of compendium of ruminations and deliberations with thoughtful and inspiring words, which comprise the soul and spirit of many judgments and decisions. It's a window to legal knowledge and wisdom.

- Justice Dipak Misra, Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court of India

?. a quotation has the ability to lengthen the lifespan and memory of a particular work that is the impact of a quotation, it has a life of its own and it reflects the mood and the thought of a judge.

- Padmanabhan, Advocate, Supreme Court of India

There are so many areas of just day-to-day life in this book, there are quotations on single mothers, there are quotations on women's empowerment, there are quotations on Khap Panchayats forget all the legalese, forget the constitution, the law there are so many quotations on humanity, on human dignity. I could just go on and on and they would relate to our day-to-day life and how their lordships have said on so many areas of law and where these quotations are there.

- Mr. Sumeet Malik, Author

This is the beauty of quotations, so therefore two things, number one you are trying to make your point forcefully, and number two you are trying to capture the entire thing in that sentence

- Justice A.K. Sikri, Judge, Supreme Court of India

Table Of Contents:

  • Topic Index
  • Name Index
  • Table of Cases
  • Quotable Quotes
  • Word Index


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