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Avtar Singh's Company Law now updated with Supplement containing Companies (Amendment) Acts, 2017, 2019 and 2020 and Highlights of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020
The book provides a thorough study of all the new concepts and changes made in Company Law since 2013, including topics such as requirement of minimum share capital, related party transactions, audit committees, clause 49 of the listing agreement etc. This book has been updated with the latest provisions regarding special resolutions, use of common seal, class action suits, shareholders rights, provisions for corporate social responsibility etc.
1. Gives in-depth understanding of Companies Act, 2013 along with all its amendments.
2. Updated with the discussion on three latest amendments post 2013 Act, in 2017, 2019 and another in 2020.
3. Topic wise arrangement of matter.
4. Explains the various aspects of company law exhaustively with the help of Indian and foreign case laws.
5. Includes a note on the highlights of the Companies Act, 2013 by Khaitan & Co., Mumbai
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Dr. Avtar Singh, B.Com., LL.M., LL.D, is a multi-faceted personality, who has adorned his cap with multiple feathers- Author, Advocate, and Professor. He has been awarded numerous prestigious honors like Saraswati Sammaan by the U.P. Government and Vidya Bhushan Sammaan by the Hindi Sansthan in U.P., for his contributions to the field of legal education. In his decades-long career, he has been a visiting professor of Business law at IIM, Lucknow and a Reader in Law at Lucknow University.
Titles written by him have been prescribed by many leading universities and have been lauded by both students and teachers. His works and writing style have been appreciated both Nationally and Internationally.
He has followed his signature style of writing in all his works- the most comprehensive study of the subject that he takes in his hands in simple and lucid language. He has written in both English and Hindi languages.
His list of works include: Business Law, Company Law (in English and Hindi), Competition Law, Consumer Protection: Law and Practice, Contract Law (Easy Law Series), Introduction to Company Law (in English and Hindi), Introduction to Law of Negotiable Instruments, Introduction to Partnership (including Limited Liability Partnership) (in English and Hindi), Intellectual Property Law, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation (in English and Hindi), Laws of Banking and Negotiable Instruments (in English and Hindi), Law of Carriage (Air, Land and Sea), Law of Contract and Specific Relief (in English and Hindi), Law of Insolvency, Law of Insurance, Law of Partnership (Principles, Practice & Taxation), Law of Sale of Goods (in English and Hindi), Negotiable Instruments (in English and Hindi), Textbook on Law of Contract and Specific Relief.
The book is indispensable for Company Executives and Government departments of company affairs. The utility of the book to the legal profession is immeasurable.
The book is recommended, without any reservation, to the students and teachers of law.
Dr. Avtar Singh's commentary on the Indian Company Law has been considered a leading student text on the subject in India. A well organised and well written book, that is an adequate introduction to the Indian law of companies. The book is well researched and includes references to the leading Indian cases.
The book can be treated as a classic reference and a source material of study.
The author has made a fine attempt in bringing the book up-to-date and has ensured that there are no loose ends. The entire subject has been written in a clear style which makes reading delectable, more so because of the easy and lucid language. The various provisions have been explained very well.
It can be easily termed as the best text-book on the subject of Company Law.
"It is useful at all levels of advocates, company affairs, teachers, academicians and students and even to valuers and tax authorities. It is a ready reckoner for advocates and law teachers."
"The book is unique as it explains provisions in a language which is easy to grasp for students."
"It is a good reference guide for students of LL.B. (3 yrs) & Integrated LL.M. The book is also helpful for research scholars"
"Subject matter and the language are extremely good for students."
It is a ready reckoner for advocates and law teachers. The book is quiet useful to update their knowledge. It is strongly recommended. The book needs space at all corporate and legal offices.
"This is a good book, I have studied it during my CA & CS"
"Detailed section-wise and citation-wise explanation of newly introduced provisions. Lucid language.
"The overall structure of the book is excellent and the language used is easy to comprehend. The case updates are good and explanation of the concepts are given nicely. The incorporation of the recent case laws will make it a complete Digest on Company Law."
"Legal content and coverage of the law is excellent. Language used in this book is also excellent."
"The book is overall catering to the needs of Law students. The case law is updated."
"This book according to me can be considered as an authority on India Company law.This book has continously been updated and is an example of extensive research put to work."
"The book is updated. Language is good, can be circulated among students for their study purpose."
1. Corporate Personality
2. Registration and Incorporation
3. Memorandum of Association
4. Articles of Association
5. Prospectus
6. Promoters
7. Securities (Shares)
8. Shareholders and Members
9. Share Capital
10. Directors
11. Meetings
12. Dividends, Accounts and Audit .
13. Borrowing, Lending, Investments and Contracts
14. Debentures
15. Majority Powers and Minority Rights
16. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement .
17. Inspection, Inquiry and Investigations .
18. Kinds of Company
19. Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations .
20. Removal of Names of Companies from Register of Companies
21. Winding Up
22. Voluntary Winding Up
23. Provisions Applicable to Every Mode of Winding Up