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This standard work incorporates all important developments in the subject. Prof. Pillai has elicited from amidst the explosive volume of case-law available today, the basic jurisprudential principles and presented them in a precise form. This comprehensive book covers the complete syllabus of jurisprudence and Legal Theory of the different Indian Universities and every possible aspect of present day jurisprudence and the diverse and varied theories of the great ancient and modern jurists have been covered.
In the jurisprudential part, the chapter on precedents has been exhaustively revised incorporating the modern doctrines of prospective overruling, etc.
A noteworthy contribution to the literature on the subject.
This book has already gained appreciation from the student community as a dependable text book on the subject. The present edition of the book narrates not only the traditional legal concepts but also the recent developments on the subject, within the framework of 41 chapters. The Eastern Book Company deserves congratulations for bringing out this handy and neatly printed book at a moderate price.
- Academy Law Review
The learned author has produced a scintillating commentary with the aid of Indian and English decisions in an orderly, analytical and critical manner. This book will be of much help to the reader to examine the history of law, its Principles and Rules of conduct. It will be of incomparable value to the lawyers & students in their search for valuable precedents and precise and authoritative statements of law.
- Kerala Law Times
The lawyers and judges in search of basic principles of law and justice in the decisions of cases would find this book a mine of information. This treatise on Jurisprudence and Legal Theory is exhaustive and illuminating and contains in a small compass, precise information on the subject.
- All India Reporter
The language of the book is clear, simple, direct and lucid. The price is very moderate and within the reach of students and advocates.
- Central India Law
Table of Contents: