Guide For LLB, CLAT, AILET, SET, DU and Other Law Entrance Exams by Surabhi Modi
Guide for LLB, CLAT, AILET, SET, DU and other Law Entrance Exams is the most comprehensive book for preparation for law entrance exams. It is the ultimate guide for law school aspirants to achieve a high score in the entrance exams and secure admission into their dream law school. This book contains in-depth strategies, multiple practice questions and detailed explanations to all answers for the most exhaustive and thorough practice for the entrance exams.
The current edition of this book is thoroughly revised and updated. The question paper of CLAT 2020 and 2021 have also been included in the book with detailed explanations to all answers. The notable features of this book include:
- 5 Mock Tests for each section of CLAT.
- Detailed Practice Tests for every chapter with explanations.
- Solved papers of CLAT 2020 and 2021 with explanations to all answers.
- General and section wise tips and tricks to ace the exam!
- Includes Introduction to New Pattern of CLAT, 2022.
This book is a must-have for all students, whether they are new to law entrance exam preparation or have been preparing for a while. They will find the book immensely advantageous and helpful for their preparation.
Legal Aptitude For CLAT and other LLB Entrance Examinations by Aniruddha Bhattacharya and Utkrisht Jaiswal
The third edition of Legal Aptitude for LLB Entrance Examinations has been thoroughly revised and updated with the latest syllabus of law entrance exams and includes solved papers of CLAT 2017 and AILET 2017. In this edition, new questions on Contract, Torts, Criminal, and Constitutional Law have been added. This edition also has questions on Intellectual Property Law, Family Law, etc. in the new section called Mixed Bag Questions. This book also contains in-depth strategies, exam pattern information, and questions for realistic practice with detailed explanations for all questions and answers. The notable features of this book include:
- Explains the broad concept of Legal Aptitude in CLAT and other law entrance examinations including the approach taken by the examiners.
- Step by step analysis to tackle each question with illustrative examples to interpret the applicable principles.
- Detailed chapters and new practice questions on Criminal Law, Tort Law, Constitutional Law and Law of Contracts.
- Questions on Intellectual Property Law, Family Law. etc.
- Includes Legal Maxims, Legal Terms and Landmark Cases.
- Solved previous year question papers of CLAT, AILET and SET along with detailed explanations of the answers.
- Find updates, video lectures, a discussion forum and a host of additional learning resources on EBC Explorer (
This book is indispensable for students preparing for the Common Law Admission Test [CLAT], NLU Delhi [AILET], Symbiosis [SET] exams and other law entrance exams. Once the student finishes reading this book, he or she will be able to attempt the Legal Aptitude section of the paper with utmost confidence and precision.