1. Introduction
- 1.1 Introducing the course
2. Introducing arbitration law
- 2.1 What is arbitration?
- 2.2 Limiting the need for judicial intervention
- 2.3 Choosing the correct mode of ADR
- 2.4 Deciding if the dispute can be referred to arbitration
- 2.5 Referring particular disputes to arbitration
- 2.6 Exercises
3. The arbitration agreement
- 3.1 Concept of arbitration agreement
- 3.2 Negotiating an arbitration agreement
- 3.3 Drafting an arbitration agreement
- 3.4 Paying stamp duty and registration
- 3.5 Enforcing an arbitration agreement
- 3.6 Doctrine of severability
- 3.7 Exercises
4. Invoking arbitration
- 4.1 Invoking arbitration with a notice
- 4.2 Determining the arbitration proceedings’ commencement date
- 4.3 Calculating the limitation period
- 4.4 Replying to a notice invoking arbitration
- 4.5 Parties to the arbitration proceedings
- 4.6 Exercises
5. Filing or dealing with objections to arbitration
- 5.1 Objecting to a suit filed in the civil court
- 5.2 Court’s refusal to enforce the arbitration agreement
- 5.3 Applying for anti-arbitration injunctions
- 5.4 Judicial intervention through writ petitions?
- 5.5 Exercises
6. Determining the procedure for arbitration proceedings
- 6.1 Understanding agreeable procedures
- 6.2 Institutional and ad hoc arbitration procedures
- 6.3 Determining procedure where it’s not decided
- 6.4 Fast track procedure
- 6.5 Challenging irregular procedure
- 6.6 Exercises
7. Determining the arbitral tribunal
- 7.1 Appointing an arbitrator named in the arbitration agreement
- 7.2 Approaching the court to appoint an arbitrator and limitation period
- 7.3 Extent of court’s power to appoint the arbitral tribunal
- 7.4 Expiry of stipulated period under Section 11
- 7.5 Substituting a named arbitrator
- 7.6 Agreeing on the composition of the arbitral tribunal after invocation
- 7.7 Objecting to validity of agreement while agreeing on composition
- 7.8 Grounds for challenging the arbitrator
- 7.9 Exercises
8. An arbitrator’s fee
- 8.1 Fixing an arbitrator's fees, costs or charges
- 8.2 Exercises
9. Removing or substituting an arbitrator
- 9.1 Grounds for removing arbitrator
- 9.2 Procedure for removing arbitrator
- 9.3 Substituting an arbitrator during the pendency of arbitration proceedings
- 9.4 Exercises
10. Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal and courts
- 10.1 Applying to arbitral tribunal to determine its jurisdiction or competence
- 10.2 Deciding the venue, place or seat of arbitration
- 10.3 Deciding territorial jurisdiction
- 10.4 Exercises
11. Proceedings
- 11.1 Attending a preliminary meeting
- 11.2 Preparing a draft procedural order
- 11.3 Filing pleadings in arbitration proceedings
- 11.4 Producing evidence before the arbitral tribunal
- 11.5 Exercises
12. Interim reliefs
- 12.1 Applying for interim reliefs before the court
- 12.2 Framing prayer for interim reliefs
- 12.3 Choosing the forum
- 12.4 Exercises
13. The arbitral award
- 13.1 Understanding an arbitral award
- 13.2 Knowing the procedure for a valid award
- 13.3 Applying for an award of interest
- 13.4 Awarding costs in arbitration
- 13.5 Correcting mistakes in an arbitral award
- 13.6 Difficulty in correcting an award
- 13.7 Exercises
14. Enforcement and execution of an arbitral award
- 14.1 Finality and enforceability of an award
- 14.2 Enforcing and executing a domestic award
- 14.3 Exercises
15. Termination
- 15.1 Termination proceedings
- 15.2 Exercises
16. Appeals and challenges
- 16.1 Appealing against certain orders
- 16.2 Grounds for challenging an award
- 16.3 Challenging an arbitral award
- 16.4 Exercises
17. Conclusion