Home > LAWYERS > Law Digests > Supreme Court On Series > 1st Edition, 2017 |
This comprehensive and authoritative digest covers the complete Supreme Court’s rulings on the subject since 1950 till date. This analytical, systematic and exhaustive work is an authoritative source of law on the subject by the highest court of the land.
Government Contracts and Tenders are governed by two bodies of law: Public law principles & Ordinary law of contract.
The public law principles applicable to Government Contracts and Tenders have been arranged under the following headings:
General Principles Governing Government Contracts/Tenders;
Formation of Government Contract:-a) Formal requirements and b) Modes of entering into a Government Contract
Since these principles are uniquely applicable to Government Contract and Tenders, they are covered exhaustively in this compendium. The selected rulings of the ordinary law of contract in the context of Government Contracts and Tenders have been arranged under the following headings:
Formation Defects --Void and Voidable Contracts
Variation, Assignment, Rectification and Novation of Contract
Construction/ Interpretation of Contract/Tender Contractual Obligations and Rights
Performance of Contract
Waiver and Remission
Extension/ Renewal of Contract
Termination/Discharge/Repudiation/Cancellation/ Suspension of Contract
The arrangement has been conceived and planned in the time tested SCC Index system to enable the discovery of all the rulings, conveniently. Detailed cross-references have been given at appropriate places, topic headings and synopses have been added to enable quick reference. Table of Cases Digested, Date of decision, Coram details, etc. are other useful and unique features.
Furthermore this digest on Government Contracts and Tenders has been interconnected with related rulings on Government Contracts with the second edition of Supreme Court on Contract and Specific Relief wherein it has been treated in a unified manner. The two set of digests serves as a valuable companion work for the entire law on the subject.
Topic and Statute Guide
1. General Principles Governing Government Contracts/Tenders — Applicability of Arts. 14 and 298 of the Constitution
2. Formation of Government Contract
3. Formation Defects — Void and Voidable Contracts
4. Variation, Assignment, Rectification and Novation of Contract
5. Construction/Interpretation of Contract/Tender
6. Contractual Obligations and Rights
7. Performance of Contract
8. Waiver and Remission
9. Extension/Renewal of Contract
10. Termination/Discharge/Repudiation/Cancellation/Suspension of Contract
11. Remedies/Relief
12. Specific Contracts
13. Particular Statutes, Norms, Rules, Regulations, etc