This is a general textbook written to meet the specific needs of Indian undergraduate students, particularly those who are trained in professional courses. The book is divided into two parts. Part I is a concise introduction to sociology as science and craft, basic sociological concepts and prominent theories in contemporary sociology. The task is undertaken not from a particular ideological perspective but to sensitize the student to the wide varieties of orientations which compete and coalesce in modern sociology.
Part II constitutes the bulk of the book and its focus is on Indian social reality. But two unique features may be noted. First, each chapter begins with a brief general discussion so as to sensitize students of the 'state of art ' in the particular substantive theme of the chapter. Second, a wide variety of themes and topics are covered for the first time in a textbook addressed to Indian students.
The book devotes the deserved attention not only to competing theories and differing perspectives but also to the complex character of social reality. It covers structure and process, stability and change, micro and macro dimensions, planning and protest. The scope and the analytical tenor of the book makes it a valuable aid to understand sociology in general and Indian society in particular.

- Social Defence:
The book will be useful to the workers in the field of social defence, besides law and social science students in understanding the structure and functions of the Indian Society and the broad framework under which the deviant behaviour develops and breeds. The authors deserve congratulations for bringing out this excellent book.