Shri V. Mitter's Commentary on "Police Diaries", Statements, Reports, Investigation and Prosecutions" first published in 1952 needs no introduction to our learned readers as it has made an immediate impact on the legal profession, the Police, Prosecutors, Bench and the Bar. It proved to be an incomparable manual on this subject as it reversed the entire gamut of the law relating to the subject in a lucid and succinct manner. It is well known that the Police Investigation is the foundation stone on which the whole criminal trial rests, and an error in this regard may result in miscarriage of justice. The preliminaries of the investigation the distinguishing elements of the cognizable an non-cognizable cases, the F.I.R. and information generally, occurrence reports and the like topics have been dealt, with in a critical and analytical manner. The Police Personnel play a pivotal role in the dispensation of justice and maintenance of law and order.
The revising authors have taken a quick over-view of the updated edition of V. Mitter's Police Diaries, Statements, Reports, Investigation and Prosecutions, etc. by snatching a respite from the struggling time schedule in an attempt to judge the order of its merit. This book has deservedly earned for itself a place of pride in the history of legal literature as now it has very successfully entered in its Eleventh Successful Edition. it is a rare notable and enduring example of illuminating, masterly and analytical exposition of law of all pervasive importance. Up-to-date work on the subject in hand is the desideration of the day and hope that this book would make up for this longing. The subject in each chapter of the book has been most elaborately, exhaustively dealt with and the entire discussion is preceded by synopsis, facilitating an easy access to the relevant material. The inter-connected prevalent law has been epitomized in this book in every chapter. An attempt has been made to give concerted view of all latest cases decided by Hon'ble Supreme Court and various High Courts. We are confident that the Eleventh edition of the like its earlier ones would cater fully to the needs of the legal profession, and has all the trappings of proving an immensely useful treatise to the Bench and the Bar, Prosecution Departments, Police Personnel, Courts, District Administration and the public at large on this important branch of law.