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1. Judicial Power and Judicial Review:
Associated with the concept of justice, which has engaged us from time immemorial, are the instrumentalities of "Judicial Power and Judicial Review", the title of this encyclopaedic work produced by a known scholar of public law. Whatever may have been the position in earlier times, in modern times for well over two centuries the subject-matter of this book has been constantly growing into an intensely and widely discussed and debated issue in legal and political theory and practice.
2. Equal Justice and Forensic Process: Truth and Myth (Deluxe Edition):
“Some people see things as they are and ask why, I dream things as they should be and ask why not?”
- Robert Kennedy
The thought provoking masterpiece Equal Justice and Forensic Process: Truth and Myth by V.R. Krishna Iyer contains lectures delivered by the learned author to commemorate the memory of Swamy Ramanand Teerth, the great freedom fighter who always revolted against injustice. Democratic Legality, in its processional egalite is the focus of these lectures
The learned author in his lectures has focused on forensic realism and its short-fall vis-à-vis social justice. He is a firm believer of the fact that the ultimate user of justice is the common man, in millions and not the millionaires. His lectures, based on opinions of eminent scholars, judges, jurists, writers, leaders and enriched by his own original thinking and critical analysis cover a vast canvas of the judicial process, its shortcomings and also ways of reformation.
Justice Krishna Iyer, forcefully advocates a thorough overhaul of the legal system, which as he says, inflicts unlimited injustices upon the numerous voiceless illiterate masses of India. He emphasises greatly on the commitment of the judges to the concept of social and equal justice embedded in the preamble, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of the Constitution of India.
This substantial prolific and forceful work can be counted of as classical masterpiece of jurisprudential literature. The book will be immensely useful to legal scholars, jurists, administrators, students of judicial process, law reformers politicians, judges and a must in every library.
This collection contains following ebooks :
1. Equal Justice and Forensic Process: Truth and Myth (Deluxe Edition) by V.R. Krishna Iyer (Retd. Judge) (Reprinted 2010 (Deluxe Edition))