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International Law : JOURNALS
Product List : Total 12 results
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The Weekly Law Reports (WLR)
The Weekly Law Reports have been published by the ICLR since 1953. They are the only series of Law Reports to cover cases heard in the House of Lords, Privy Council, the Court of Appeal, all Divisions...

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The Law Reports (AC QB Ch & Fam)
First published in 1865, The Law Reports represent the benchmark in law reporting. They are the most authoritative reports and cited in preference. The Law Reports give a fuller...

Annual Subscription to The Law Reports Bound Volumes, 2025 (In 4 Volumes):
Rs.26600.00 |
Annual Subscription to The Law Reports, 2025:
Rs.24750.00 |
Combined Subscription to The Law Reports, 2024 and The Weekly Law Reports, 2025:
Rs.51095.00 |
The Weekly Law Reports (Bound Volumes)
The Weekly Law Reports cover cases heard in the House of Lords, Privy Council,the Court of Appeal, all divisions of the High Court and the relevant decisions of...

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The Law Reports (Bound Volumes)
The Law Reports represent the benchmark in law reporting. Typically, the Law Reports cover cases which introduce new principles or rules of law or modify significant...

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The Business Law Reports
By EBC in Collaboration with ICLR
The Business Law Reports is designed to meet the needs of commercial lawyers and those working within the business community. The series covers recent decisions...

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Moore's Indian Appeals (1836-1872) (In 14 Volumes)
By Moore
  Indian Reprint, 2022

Hardback: Rs. 25,000.00  Rs. 22,500.00
Moore's Indian Appeals (1873-1950) (In 79 Volumes)
By Moore
  Indian Reprint, 2022

Hardback: Rs. 100,000.00  Rs. 90,000.00
The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia
A LEXISNEXIS/LAW SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND JOINT PUBLICATION The Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia provides the only comprehensive narrative statement of the law of Scotland. Written by experts in their field, Stair writers are...

Hardback: Rs. 877,800.00
Simon's Tax Cases, 1973 to date
By LexisNexis
The full bound volume set of Simon's Tax Cases...

Paperback: Rs. 809,520.00  Rs. 728,568.00