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Co-operative Societies : Taxation Laws : LAWYERS
Product List : Total 4 results
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Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments
By V K Varadachari
This unique and celebrated work, considered an authority on the subject, provides a detailed commentary on the law governing the Hindu religious institutions like Temples, Maths, Trusts,...

eBOOK: Rs.1495.00 Rs.1121.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.1195.00 Rs.896.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.1495.00 Rs.1271.00 |
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P L Malik Handbook of  U.P. Co-Operative Societies Act and Rules alongwith Service Rules and Notifications
By Sumeet Malik
  2nd Edition, 2014
This book contains the text of U.P. Co-operative Societies Act, 1965 and U.P. Co-operative Societies Rules, 1968 along with many other service rules and notifications. It...

Rs. 445.00  Rs. 401.00
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Andhra Pradesh Cooperative Law Manual
By Padala Rama Reddi
  20th Edition, 2021
Padala Rama Reddi & Padala Srinivasa Reddy A.P.Co-Operative Law Manual (20th Edn.) 2021

Hardback: Rs. 1,800.00  Rs. 1,530.00
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Manual of Co-operative Societies Laws in Andhra Pradesh
By P S Narayana, P Jagadishchandra Prasad
  6th Edition, 2024

Hardback: Rs. 2,700.00  Rs. 2,160.00