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Title: World Economic and Social Survey 2017
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World Economic and Social Survey 2017
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216 pages
Publisher: UN Publications
Language: English
Dimensions: 23.80 X 0.50 X 15.80
Publisher Code: 9789211091762
Date Added: 2016-01-01
Search Category: Lawbooks
Jurisdiction: International
The aim of WESS 2017 is to document the intellectual influence of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) through its flagship publication, World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) on its 70th Anniversary. First published in 1948, the Survey is the oldest continuous post-World War II publication of its kind that records and analyses the performance of the global economy and social development trends as well as offers relevant policy recommendations. WESS 2017 will highlight how well the Survey tracked global economic and social conditions, and how its analysis influenced and were influenced by the prevailing discourse during the past seven decades. It will also critically reflect on its policy recommendations and their influence on actual policy-making and the shaping of the world economy. Particular attention will be given to reflect on the lessons that a historical review of the policy analysis done by the Survey would provide for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.