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Title: The Soviet Union and International Cooperation in Legal Matters - Part II: Civil Law
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The Soviet Union and International Cooperation in Legal Matters - Part II: Civil Law
Product Details:
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Language: English
Dimensions: 23.00 X 0.79 X 15.00
Publisher Code: 9780792313328
Date Added: 2018-08-03
Search Category: International
The present title is the second in a three-volume set addressed to the general theme of `The Soviet Union and International Cooperation in Legal Matters.' This project will concentrate essentially on the post-World War II repertory, with some reference to pre-1945 antecedents in order to put the picture in a clearer perspective. The preceding volume, published in 1988, treated the Soviet Union's record in the field of commercial arbitration and the last one in this three-volume set is scheduled to consider its related practices in the domain of criminal law.
In Part II the author analyzes the ensemble of rules observed between states whereby the legal organs of one will procure for the legal organs of the other procedural services designed to facilitate performance by the recipient party of its mission to `administer justice'.
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Table Of Contents:
List of Abbreviations. Foreword. Dedication to Russell N. Fairbanks. I. Pre-war and Wartime Experience. A. International Cooperation of the USSR in Legal Matters; T.A. Taracouzio. II. Postwar Experience: Domestic Legislation and Special Agreements. A. Domestic Legislation. B. Special Agreements. III. Postwar Experience: General Conventions -- Socialist Model. A. First Generation. B. Second Generation. IV. Postwar Experience: General Conventions -- Non-Socialist Model. A. Execution of Commissions from Institutions of Justice. B. Recognition and Execution of Judicial Decisions. V. Domestic Legislation Servicing the General Conventions. VI. The 1954 Hague Convention Relating to Civil Procedure. VII. Conclusions. Bibliography.