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Preventive Detention is that one blind spot in liberal democracies (wherever it is authorised) where the executive can still deprive a person of their personal liberty without prior judicial authorisation. It is for this reason that Preventive Detention law is a subject which continues to receive great international attention. In recent years the legal rights of detainees/detenus have been more and more frequently litigated, and significant new approaches have been developed.
This 2 volume digest provides the complete Supreme Court case-law on Preventive Detention since 1950. The subject has been classified based on the various aspects relating to the procedure and the rights of the detainee and arranged chronologically from the formation of the necessary subjective satisfaction till the release of the detainee. The key chronological events in respect of Preventive Detention taken as the main Chapters to arrange the case law are:
Rulings of the Supreme Court on Central and State statutes on Preventive Detention, both past and present, have been provided to make possible a comparative study between the provisions of different statutes. Supreme Court case law on the following important statutes (including many more) deserves to be specially mentioned:
This voluminous work will be of practical assistance to those practicing or studying this area of law and of great interest to Judges, lawyers, human rights activists and researchers.
Volume 1 covers Nature, Scope and Object to Grounds of detention.
Volume 2 covers Communication of Grounds of Detention to End.