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Supreme Court Cases Weekly, 2025 and The Practical Lawyer (Print)<br> Annual Subscription
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Supreme Court Cases Weekly, 2025 and The Practical Lawyer (Print)
Annual Subscription

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Product Details:

Format: Paperback
Publisher: Eastern Book Company
Language: English
ISBN: 0039-5951, PL2022V01P01-12
Dimensions: 24.2 CM X 0.79 CM X 16 CM
Date Added: 2021-01-20
Search Category: Journals
Jurisdiction: Indian



SCC Weekly

A Weekly law report, giving comprehensive reporting of reportable and non-reportable cases of the Supreme Court of India. Published in 10 regular volumes per year of about 800 pages each (in Approx 48 issues). Additional/Supplementary volumes may be published during a year in the interest of a more fuller and comprehensive reporting, and these will be charged extra.?




The Need and importance of Supreme Court case law


Rulings of the Supreme Court are the law of the land under Article 141 of the Constitution. They have a bearing on the validity and applicability of Acts of Parliament, State Legislatures and various rules and notifications issued by various governmental authorities. Thus, Supreme Court case law is a paramount necessity for the judiciary and practitioners in the Supreme Court, the High Courts and District Courts as well as the academic community, commercial establishments, private and public sectors, and government offices amongst others.


Philosophy behind SCC?: Prompt, Accurate and Complete
A law report is of value not just for a few decades, but for eternity. That is the prime consideration driving Supreme Court Cases?. That is why great pains are taken and efforts made at Supreme Court Cases? to accurately publish every judgment or order. Equally important is that the entire Supreme Court case law be made available, and hence the efforts to achieve completeness. Again, while making efforts for being prompt we make sure not to be hasty, engaged as we are in producing a permanent record of the Supreme Court.


SCC? as an investment
Supreme Court Cases? is the most reliable and trustworthy reference source, and for many readers the first source of reference for Supreme Court case law. Subscribers of SCC? have not only realised the immense utility of SCC? but also the fact that a beautiful set of SCC? adorns their library and that with time the value of SCC? appreciates. Also the fact that the price paid for SCC? is tax deductible, makes it an ideal investment.


Editorial excellence
It is one thing to make Supreme Court judgments available; it is quite another to extract all the rulings of law embedded therein and make them accessible, that is, to make the search for the relevant rulings quick and convenient. SCC? contains headnotes that have been prepared after thorough and careful analysis ensuring that no point of law is missed. Our editors extract the maximum rulings from each case and these are intelligently classified topic-wise and statute-wise, in the subject index along with multiple cross-references making them conveniently accessible to the reader. The headnotes and indexing in SCC? are acknowledged today as far superior to that of any other law report.


Latest Judgments


Access to the pre-publication text of judgments with guidenotes providing you with access to current Supreme Court judgments till published in SCC.


Digest of Supreme Court Cases


The Supreme Court Digest of Recent Cases is a compilation of digest notes of the recent Supreme Court case law. This compilation is fully searchable.


Legal Articles from 1950 till date
Access to hundreds of articles from all our journals published since their inception including SCC, SCC (Cri), SCC (L&S) and The Practical Lawyer.


5 Reasons to subscribe




Supreme Court Cases? provides fast and regular reporting through its weekly issues. It, thus, keeps you ahead of others.


The usefulness of a law report depends on how often it is cited or referred to in law books. Today Supreme Court Cases? is the most cited law report in the Supreme Court and the High Courts. It is also cited in most commentaries and textbooks, thus making SCC? an indispensable law report.


Superior Quality
Supreme Court Cases? maintains the highest standards of editorial and production quality, while continuously improving these standards to provide its readers with prompt, accurate and complete reporting.


Complete coverage
Supreme Court Cases? is your guarantee to the most comprehensive and exhaustive coverage of Supreme Court case law, reporting both reportable & non-reportable cases. Quite a large number of cases reported in SCC? are not reported in any other law report.


Supreme Court Cases? is your one-stop source to all the judgments of the Hon?ble Supreme Court. This makes it a cost effective solution for your legal needs.


The most cited Law Report
SCC? by its quality, excellence and reliability has won the trust of the Hon?ble Judges and leading advocates in the Supreme Court and all the High Courts making it the most frequently cited law report. Most commentaries and textbooks also prefer to cite SCC?.


Terms and Conditions?


1. The subscription rates of ?Supreme Court Cases? (Weekly)? is for 10 regular volumes only (of about 800 pages each) Issued on 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th day of the month. Additional/Supplementary volumes, if published, will be charged extra; their purchase is however, optional for The subscriber


2.?The subscription rate of Current Central Legislation (Monthly) is for one volume only. Issued as one part/issue of CCL per month, subject to unforeseen circumstances. ?


3.?Delivery is guaranteed by Registered Post by Indian Department of Posts. However, if any part is not received, another copy will be resent on receipt of written complaint about such non-receipt, within four weeks of its date of publication, by letter or e-mail at?subscriptions@ebc.co.in.?


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The Practical Lawyer?, a monthly journal, is a complete monthly guide to legal news, happenings and updates. It saves your time and energy in search for latest rulings of the Supreme Court of India. Also, it provides you with legal articles, important judgments and important enactments as well as information about our newly released student & lawyer's editions. Further, a collection of all the 12 issues in a year can serve as a handy referencer for looking up the judgments of that particular year.

Note:?Subscription period will commence with effect from the Month of Subscribing.?

Special features?

  • Monthly Digest of Supreme Court Cases (and LR, WLR & BusLR) ? The most recent case law of the Supreme Court in digest form - reproduced from your reliable SCC law report. Now English case law as reported in ?The Law Reports?, ?The Weekly Law Reports? and ?The Business Law Reports? is also covered!
  • Legal Roundup ? expert views on current issues
  • Articles on current legal issues
  • Important Judgments of the month
  • Important Statutory Enactments of the month
  • News Briefs ? news on law
  • Notable Excerpts from judgments of the Supreme Court
  • 12 monthly issues in a year
The Practical Lawyer ?

Illustrated Features:

Monthly Digest

Monthly Digest

The monthly digest brings you, comprehensive, valuable and authentic information about the latest Supreme Court case law (and LR, WLR & BusLR). At almost no cost, you get a full years Digest, to keep yourself up-to-date! Cheaper than daily newspaper!


Journal Section

Journal Section

Articles on relevant legal issues of current importance, are highlighted in each issue


News Briefs

News Briefs


This section gives exclusive access to the latest legal news coverage, keeping readers abreast of important cases and enactments from across the country.
Legal Roundup

Legal Roundup


This section covers expert issues on significant developments over the past month in important and evolving sections of law, such as intellectual property law, corporate law etc.
Important Legislations

Important Legislations

This section covers in brief, important acts of Parliament passed over the past month.


Important Judgments

Important Judgments?

It covers significant judgments of the courts around India that have made news headlines and will have a significant impact on the development of law across the country.


  • Surendra Malik, B.Sc.(Hons.), LL.M. (Columbia)
  • Vijay Malik, B.A., L.L.B., M.B.A.?
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