This Title is the most comprehensive and authoritative work on the Indian Succession Act that explains and illustrates the provisions of the Act in a lucid, comprehensive and systematic manner. It intends to capture all major landmark judgments of Supreme Court and various High Courts. All the legislative changes have been duly incorporated. It is a standard reference for Judges, lawyers, In house Counsels, Law firms, students, law professors and research scholars.
Key Features:
- This Edition has been extensively revised to incorporate the relevant and current landmark judgments of the Supreme Court and various High Courts.
- Up to date with the recent case laws and development since the last publication.
- Table of Cases and Subject Index has been updated.
- Overruled decisions have been checked and changes have been made accordingly.
- Synopsis of every chapter has been incorporated.
- The book offers a systematic explanation of the provisions of the Act and is arranged under logical chapters and headings.
- The Edition contains synopsis of all the chapters making it user friendly.
- All the major legislative changes and the amendments have been incorporated.
- The Book intends to incorporate landmark judgements of various High Courts and Supreme Court.