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Title: Managing Cyber Attacks in International Law, Business, and Relations: In Search of Cyber Peace
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Managing Cyber Attacks in International Law, Business, and Relations: In Search of Cyber Peace
Product Details:
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Language: English
Dimensions: 23.00 X 3.00 X 15.00
Publisher Code: 9781107004375
Date Added: 2018-08-05
Search Category: International
Jurisdiction: International
This book presents a framework to reconceptualize internet governance and better manage cyber attacks. It examines the potential of polycentric regulation to increase accountability through bottom-up action. It also provides a synthesis of the current state of cybersecurity research, bringing features of cyber attacks to light and comparing and contrasting the threat to all relevant stakeholders. Throughout the book, cybersecurity is treated holistically, covering issues in law, science, economics and politics. This interdisciplinary approach is an exemplar of how strategies from different disciplines as well as the private and public sectors may cross-pollinate to enhance cybersecurity. Case studies and examples illustrate what is at stake and identify best practices. The book discusses technical issues of Internet governance and cybersecurity while presenting the material in an informal, straightforward manner. The book is designed to inform readers about the interplay of Internet governance and cybersecurity and the potential of polycentric regulation to help foster cyber peace.
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Table Of Contents:
Part I. Foundations of Polycentric Regulation in Cyberspace: 1. Defining the cyber threat in Internet governance; 2. Who controls cyberspace? Analyzing cyberspace through polycentric governance; Part II. Managing Vulnerabilities: 3. Hacking the planet, the Dalai Lama, and you: managing technical vulnerabilities in the Internet; 4. The new cyberwarfare: securing critical national infrastructure in the digital age; 5. Risky business: enhancing private sector cybersecurity through the competitive market; Part III. The Law, Politics, and Promise of Cyber Peace: 6. The law of cyber war and peace; 7. Cyber peace.