This very popular work has been widely accepted and appreciated by the judiciary and the medical and legal fraternity as a useful reference book. The book presents technical, medical material in non-technical and simple language. Such aspects of crime investigation which involve the application of medical science have been dealt with. The finer legal and medical aspects of the subject have been covered with meticulous care including liability of the medical profession under Consumer Protection Act.
A unique feature of this work is the list of questions appended at the end of each chapter that can be put to experts and witnesses under cross-examination. These set of questions are very useful to the lawyers in examining the doctors and to the doctors in anticipating questions. A separate chapter on anatomy and physiology adds to the utility of the book. The book is well illustrated with pictures and diagrams to explain fire arm injuries, burns, strangulation, anatomy of the human body, etc. Latest advances in applied medical sciences have been given due attention. Latest case-law has also been comprehensively covered with special attention to examination of witnesses in courts, compensation and damages to victims, legal aspects of birth, rape, insanity, lunacy, motor vehicle accidents, etc.
A special appendix on glossary of technical terms in English and Hindi, offers unique status to the book. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best books available on the subject and will be extremely useful to public prosecutors, defence lawyers, police officials and the medical profession.
- Kerala Law Times : It is one of the few established books on the subject which enjoy the respect and patronage of the legal profession. In well-defined chapters all the facts of medico-legal jurisprudence have been dealt with. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best books available on the subject.
- Current Indian Statutes : The present work by Jhala and Raju needs no introduction. The law on the subject has been comprehensively dealt with. The book will be found very useful by the legal profession as well as by the medical profession. The prosecution officers would find this work an absolute necessity. We recommend this useful publication to all our readers, who will find it almost indispensable.
- All India Reporter : This book is very popular in the medical, legal and judicial world, since it provides the necessary information in simple understandable language. The book contains latest case-law to show how witnesses are examined in the courts for compensation under various outrages against human bodies. There are also many other useful matters discussed that make the book very useful and unique.
- Law Books in Review, U.S.A. : This is a fairly extensive text-book of medical jurisprudence covering most areas of forensic medicine with a particular emphasis on Indian Law.