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Title: International Crimes and the Ad Hoc Tribunals
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International Crimes and the Ad Hoc Tribunals
Product Details:
Format: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Language: English
Dimensions: 23.00 X 3.00 X 15.00
Publisher Code: 9780199207541
Date Added: 2018-08-09
Search Category: International
Jurisdiction: International
The contribution of the ad hoc Tribunals to international criminal law and international justice has been manifold, both academically and historically, and they will continue to influence the findings and decisions of many other courts (both domestic and international), and to provoke discussion for many years to Come. This volume provides the first comprehensive analysis of the law of international crimes as applied by the ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia
and Rwanda.
International Crimes and the Ad Hoc Tribunals examines the legal and historical significance of some of the most important judicial developments to occur in the last 50 years in international criminal law. It states the law of the Tribunals, and provides concrete illustrations of the application of the law to a variety of criminal cases, providing a comprehensive and detailed analysis of this voluminous body of jurisprudence. The primary focus is on the jurisdiction ratione materiae of the
Tribunals: the definition and application of the law of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. However, it also examines the Tribunals' jurisdiction ratione personae, insofar as this enables a full understanding of the law of crimes (for instance, in relation to forms of criminal liability).
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Table Of Contents:
Foreword by His Honour Judge David A. Hunt, Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the Ad Hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda ; Preface ; 1. Introduction ; 2. The Law of the Tribunal ; 3. Individual Criminal Responsibility: Forms of Participation in International Crimes ; 4. War Crimes ; 5. Crimes against Humanity ; 6. Genocide ; 7. War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide: Common Features and Differences ; 8. Sentencing for International Crimes ; 9. Conclusions ; Bibliography ; Annexes ; Index