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Intellectual Property Law by Dr. Avtar Singh is a scholarly work covering all the aspects of the subject including the latest developments in the field in India and abroad.
The book in a coherent and comprehensible manner covers all seven major Acts, namely Trade Marks Act, Copyright Act, Patents Act, Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, Designs Act, Biological Diversity Act and Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, as amended up to date. Appropriate and latest Indian and foreign case laws have been interspersed to make the points in discussion clearer.
This book addresses host of difficult, complicated and controversial concepts in such a way that even a beginner will have no difficulty in understanding the intricacies of this growing branch of law. It also brings out several unexplored and evolving dimensions to further enhance the understanding of the subject.
Over all this Book will prove to be of great help to students, academicians, IP professionals, industrialists, lawyers, judges and those interested in the study of IPR.
About The Author
Dr. Avtar Singh, B.Com., LL.M., LL.D, is a multi-faceted personality, who has adorned his cap with multiple feathers- Author, Advocate, Professor. He has been awarded with numerous prestigious honours like Saraswati Sammaan by the U.P. Government and Vidya Bhushan Sammaan by the Hindi Sansthan in U.P., for his contributions in the field of legal education. In his decades long career he has been a visiting professor of Business Laws at IIM, Lucknow and Reader in Law at Lucknow University.
Titles written by him have been prescribed by many leading universities and have been lauded by both students and teachers. His works and writing style have been appreciated both Nationally and Internationally.
He has followed his signature style of writing in all his works- the most comprehensive study of the subject that he takes in his hands in a simple and lucid language. He has written in both English and Hindi languages.
His list of works include: Business Law, Company Law (in English and Hindi), Competition Law, Consumer Protection: Law and Practice, Contract Law (Easy Law Series), Introduction to Company Law (in English and Hindi), Introduction to Law of Negotiable Instruments, Introduction to Partnership (including Limited Liability Partnership) (in English and Hindi), Intellectual Property Law, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation (in English and Hindi), Laws of Banking and Negotiable Instruments (in English and Hindi), Law of Carriage (Air, Land and Sea), Law of Contract and Specific Relief (in English and Hindi), Law of Insolvency, Law of Insurance, Law of Partnership (Principles, Practice & Taxation), Law of Sale of Goods (in English and Hindi), Negotiable Instruments (in English and Hindi), Textbook on Law of Contract and Specific Relief.
Table of Contents:
Part I
Trade Marks Act, 1999
Part II
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
Part III
Copyright Act,
Part IV
Patents Act, 1970
Part V
Designs Act, 2000
Part VI
The Biological Diversity Act, 2002
Part VII
The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001