This book has been specially designed for students pursuing the three-year or five-year degree course in law. The text presents an interesting and fresh approach to the subject, while covering the syllabus prescribed by the Bar Council of India. It deals with the principles of and procedure for drafting various notices, plaints, written statements, civil applications, marriage petitions, petitions under succession law, consumer law, criminal complaints and applications, appeal and revision and writ petitions. It also covers drafting of various deeds under the law of conveyancing such as mortgage deed, gift deed and adoption deed, supported by specimens.
The second edition has been extensively revised and updated comprising of all recent statutory amendments and landmark judgments. Preserving the original style and structure of the work, the present edition embodies both the basic and the advanced practices and techniques of drafting along with specimens.
Key Features:
- Designed to be a practical guide as well as ready reckoner
- Lucidly elaborates the principles of drafting, pleading and conveyancing
- Explains the procedure for drafting notices, plaints, written statements, marriage petitions, applications, appeals, revision petition, writ petitions, criminal complaints, various deeds, etc.
- Substantive and procedural laws are described in detail at the beginning of every draft, for convenience of readers
- Contents of every draft are explained concisely and followed by the specimens
- Includes recent statutory amendments and landmark judgments