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Title: Climate Change Governance in International Civil Aviation: Toward Regulating Emissions Relevant to Climate Change and Global Warming
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Climate Change Governance in International Civil Aviation: Toward Regulating Emissions Relevant to Climate Change and Global Warming
Product Details:
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Language: English
Dimensions: 24.00 X 0.79 X 17.00
Publisher Code: 9789462366923
Date Added: 2018-08-06
Search Category: International
Jurisdiction: International
Successful climate change governance in international civil aviation has yet to be achieved. In this book the author argues that, to successfully govern emissions from international civil aviation of relevance to climate change and global warming, binding legal measures, whether de facto or de jure, and a mandatory but temporary global market-based measure or unilateral market-based measures of the same model adopted by economically powerful States for international civil aviation are immediately required. This book demonstrates how de jure soft law instruments, e.g., Annexes to the Chicago Convention, international environmental law principles, a new understanding and way of exercising the doctrine of State sovereignty, and both multilateral and unilateral economic instruments can be utilized to reduce aviation's environmental impacts. This book explores the existing capacities of the governance actors in aviation, and shows how they can play a significant role in climate change governance from within their limited capacities.
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Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction; 2. Climate Change, Global Warming, and Aviation; 3. Existing and Envisaged Measures to Govern Emissions from Aviation That Contribute to Climate Change and Global Warming; 4. Effectiveness of the Existing and Envisaged Global Measures to Lessen Aviation's Contribution to Climate Change and Global Warming; 5. Effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading System to Reduce Aviation's Contribution to Climate Change and Global Warming; 6 Climate Change Governance and International Civil Aviation.