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Title: Blackstone's Emergency Planning, Crisis and Disaster Management
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Blackstone's Emergency Planning, Crisis and Disaster Management
Product Details:
Format: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Language: English
Dimensions: 23.00 X 3.00 X 17.00
Publisher Code: 9780198712909
Date Added: 2018-08-10
Search Category: International
Jurisdiction: International
Blackstone's Emergency Planning, Crisis, and Disaster Management is a practical guide for those involved in all aspects of emergency preparedness, resilience, and response. Primarily focused on the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, it has been developed from the highly regarded Emergency Planning Officers' Handbook.
The complete toolkit for anyone involved in emergency planning, business continuity, and resilience management, this must-have guide offers a comprehensive, chronological guide to each stage of emergency planning, from creating a plan or exercise through to setting up a control room and debriefing for future improvement and development. There is also full coverage of how the emergency response is managed by each of the main agencies involved, helping you to gain a greater understanding of what
to expect from each agency and the individuals participating, so they can be better integrated into an exercise or plan. Overviews at the start of each chapter, key point and top tip boxes, as well as tasks and flowcharts provide you with the complete reference, whether you are beginning your
emergency planning or simply need to refresh your memory as you initiate an exercise.
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Table Of Contents:
1. An Introduction to Emergency Planning ; 2. Plans and Exercising - An Introduction ; 3. Creating Your Plans ; 4. Understanding the Emergency Response ; 5. Co-ordinating the Emergency Response ; 6. Exercise Design ; 7. Exercise Management ; 8. Planning and Organising the Exercise ; 9. How to Run the Exercise ; 10. Debriefing