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Police and security services : Emergency services : Soc
Product List : Total 406 results
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Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime
By Jeannine Bell
Policing Hatred explores the intersection of race and law enforcement in the controversial area of hate crime. The nation's attention has recently been focused on high-profile hate crimes such as the...

Paperback / softback: Rs. 2,199.00
Policing Across Borders: Law Enforcement Networks and the Challenges of Crime Control
  2013 ed.
Globalization has had a sharp impact on the definition of `national security,' as the interconnectedness of many threats calls for them to be addressed at the national and global level simultaneously. Law enforcement...

Hardback: Rs. 9,999.00
Policing Compassion
By Hermer, Joe
This book examines how begging regulation plays a central role in organising how we feel responsible for one another in late capitalist society.

Hardback: Rs. 9,000.00  Rs. 7,650.00
Policing Muslim Communities: Comparative  International Context
By Farrukh B. Hakeem, M. R. Haberfeld, Arvind Ve...
  2012 ed.
In the past two decades, Muslim countries across the globe have been faced with a crisis in governance. Starting with a summary of Islamic Law (Sharia) and its implications for law enforcement, this book will highlight...

Hardback: Rs. 9,999.00
Policing a Safe, Just and Tolerant Society: An International Model for Policing
Is public safety a prior requisite for tolerance - and how integral to justice are tolerance and safety? To build and sustain a society that is tolerant safe and respects other fundamental principles is a key challenge...

Paperback / softback: Rs. 2,100.00
By Rawlings, Philip
This title concentrates on the broad patterns of policing. It asks questions such as: how was there a shift from communal responsibility to policing? and: what has been expected of the public and vice versa? It should...

Paperback: Rs. 4,799.00  Rs. 4,079.00
Catholic Police Officers in Northern Ireland
By Gethins, Mary
Explores historically the problematic relationship between Catholics and the police in Northern Ireland. Using strong, empirical evidence from the frank, personal stories of Catholic police officers the study questions...

Hardback: Rs. 10,200.00  Rs. 8,670.00
Become a Problem-Solving Crime Analyst
By Ronald Clarke (Rutgers University, Newark, Ne...

Paperback / softback: Rs. 3,599.00
Policing, Race and Racism
By Mike Rowe (Northumbria University, UK)
Over recent years race has become one of the most important issues faced by the police. This book seeks to analyse the context and background to these changes, to assess the impact of the Lawrence Inquiry and the...

Paperback / softback: Rs. 3,299.00