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Legal Classics : Specials Category
Product List : Total 26 results
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The Institution of Property : Legally, Historically and Philosophically Regarded (Print on Demand)
By R S Bhalla
This is an authoritative, in-depth and comprehensive study of the Institution of Property and the varying forms that it has taken during the course of...

eBOOK: Rs.295.00 | PAPERBACK: Rs.650.00 Rs.585.00 |
Ceaseless and Relentless Journey
By K. Ramaswamy
  1st Edition, 2008
\"... the story of a man dedicated to the cause of justice... ...He came up in life with steely determination...\"

eBOOK: Rs.725.00 Rs.544.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.725.00 Rs.616.00 |
Making of India's Constitution [Deluxe Edition]
By H.R. Khanna
This legal classic, originally a compilation of three lectures delivered by Justice H.R. Khanna on the making of India’s Constitution has been thoroughly revamped...

eBOOK: Rs.950.00 Rs.713.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.950.00 Rs.760.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.995.00 Rs.846.00 |
Their Lordships  A Collection of Definitive Biographies of Eminent Jurists
Containing: Justice at Heart- Life Journey of Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer

Hardbound: Rs. 3,010.00  Rs. 2,559.00
V R Krishna Iyer Series (Containing Justice at Heart, Equal Justice and Forensic Process, Constitutional Miscellany and Social Justice Sunset or Dawn)
  V.R. Krishna Iyer
Justice at Heart- Justice at Heart: Life Journey of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer by Salman Khurshid and...

Hardback: Rs. 2,085.00  Rs. 1,668.00
Equal Justice and Forensic Process: Truth and Myth
By V.R. Krishna Iyer (Retd. Judge)
  1st Edition 1986, Reprinted 2022

eBOOK: Rs.275.00 Rs.206.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.295.00 Rs.251.00 |
Chinese Legal System (1979-2019), Historical Development And Overview
By Li Na, Santosh Pai
Significant attention within the sphere of China studies in India is devoted to topics associated with foreign policy and security aspects of the bilateral...

EBC Reader ebook (1st Edition, 2021):
Rs.895.00 Rs.670.00 |
HARDBACK: Rs.895.00 Rs.761.00 |
Constitutional Miscellany
By V R Krishna Iyer
  2nd Edition 2003, Reprinted 2007
This masterly work by an eminent thinker of law is a stimulating collection of essays on the Constitution of India. Our...

eBOOK: Rs.350.00 Rs.263.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.350.00 Rs.298.00 |
Kesavananda Bharati Case - The untold story of struggle for supremacy by Supreme Court and Parliament
By T R Andhyarujina
  1st Edition 2014, Reprinted 2023
The case of His Holiness Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalvaru v. State of Kerala decided after the longest hearing of sixty six days in the Supreme Court by the largest bench of 13 judges of the...

Paperback: Rs. 450.00  Rs. 383.00