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NLUO : Academic Law Journals : JOURNALS
Product List : Total 4 results
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NLUO Law Journal (NLUOLJ)
By NLU, Odisha
The NLUO Law Journal [NLUOLJ] is the flagship publication of the National Law University Odisha. It aims...

Volume 6, 2019: Rs.600.00 | Volume 7, 2020: Rs.650.00 | Volume 8, 2021: Rs.750.00 |
NLUO Journal on Rights of the Child (NLUOJRC)
By NLU, Odisha
“Centre for Child Rights (CCR) is the specialized research centre of the National Law University Odisha, Cuttack. The...

Volume 5, 2020: Rs.500.00 |
NLUO Human Rights Law Journal (NLUOHRLJ)
By NLU, Odisha
National Law University Odisha's “Human Rights Law Journal” contains articles, case comments, legislative...

Volume 4, 2019: Rs.500.00 Rs.500.00 | Volume 5, 2020: Rs.900.00 |
NLUO Student Law Journal (NLUOSLJ)
By NLU, Odisha
Law students the world over face a peculiar paradox. On the one hand, law schools relentlessly goad them towards academic...

Volume 4, 2019: Rs.900.00 | Volume 5, 2020: Rs.900.00 | Volume 6, 2021: Rs.900.00 |