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Crimes and Criminology : Criminal Law : LAWYERS
Product List : Total 90 results
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Law Relating To Charges
By P S Narayana
  2nd Edition, 2021

Paperback: Rs. 450.00  Rs. 405.00
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Scientific Techniques of Criminal Investigation
By R. Ramachandran
  2nd Edition, 2018
Criminal Investigation

Paperback: Rs. 340.00  Rs. 306.00
Organised Sexual Abuse
By Salter, Michael

Hardback: Rs. 17,400.00  Rs. 14,790.00
Managing Clinical Risk
Violence and self-injury cause anxiety, misery and physical and psychological damage to service users, their carers, the practitioners who look after them, and in some cases, the public at large. This title describes UK...

Paperback: Rs. 5,639.00  Rs. 4,793.00
Transnational Crime and Human Rights
By Kneebone, Susan& Debeljak, Julie

Hardback: Rs. 17,400.00  Rs. 14,790.00
Police Integrity Management in Australia
By Porter, Louise& Prenzler, Tim

Hardback: Rs. 11,639.00  Rs. 9,893.00
Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events
By Colin Bennett, Kevin Haggerty

Paperback: Rs. 5,279.00  Rs. 4,487.00
Fear of Crime
An attention to the 'fear of crime' has found its way into governmental interventions in crime prevention and into discourse with various newspapers, local government and the like conducting their own fear of crime...

Paperback: Rs. 7,439.00  Rs. 6,323.00
Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology
Covers a range of historical and contemporary thinkers from around the world, offering a combination of biographical fact with historical and cultural context. This title is suitable for students of criminology as well...

Paperback: Rs. 3,119.00  Rs. 2,651.00