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Air and Space Law : Business Law : LAWYERS
Product List : Total 2 results
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Space Law: In the Era of Commercialisation
By Sandeepa B. Bhat
  1st Edition, 2010
Entry into outer space is undoubtedly the greatest achievement of man in the twentieth century. However, this pleasant event of space exploration, following rapid...

eBOOK: Rs.850.00 Rs.638.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.850.00 Rs.638.00 |
Space Law - The Emerging Trends
By B Sandeepa Bhat
  1st Edition, 2018
The entry into the outer space is undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the twentieth century. The pleasant event of space exploration has resulted in the rapid developments in scientific and...

Hardback: Rs. 990.00  Rs. 792.00