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EBC Learning - Bennett University: Mastery Certificate in Advanced Corporate Law<br>(On-Campus Program)<br/>
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EBC Learning - Bennett University: Mastery Certificate in Advanced Corporate Law
(On-Campus Program)

Edition: 2022
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EBC Learning - Bennett University: Mastery Certificate in Advanced Corporate Law<br>(On-Campus Program)<br/> 1 Reviews | Write A Review
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Product Details:

Format: Offline
Publisher: Eastern Book Company
Language: English
Date Added: 2022-04-30
Search Category: eProducts
Jurisdiction: Indian



Important Dates
Last date to Enroll30th June 2022
Course Start Date11th July 2022
Course Duration6 Months
Course End Date15th December 2022
Effort20-25 Hours Per Week
Number of Total Seats20
Mode of InstructionOffline at Bennett University, Greater Noida
Class TimingsEvening Live Classes, about 3 per week


About This Programme

The EBC Learning — Bennett University, Mastery Certificate in Advanced Corporate Law is a course like no other. Taught by industry experts and professionals, it is a comprehensive and rigorous course on corporate law that gets you ahead covering theoretical, critical and practical training in corporate law.

Topics Covered

The course covers the following broad areas of corporate law:

● The Corporate Legal Method  ● Evolution, Foundation and Essential Concepts of Corporate Law  ● Choosing an Entity (Agency to HUF, Partnership, LLP & Company) ● How to Register or Incorporate an Entity? ● Raising Capital, Startups and IPOs  ● Insider Trading ● Corporate Contract Drafting  ● Debt Financing ● Company Law ● Directors, Managers and Committees  ● Meetings  ● Conflicts in Corporate Form  ● Accounts, Investigation and Corporate Fraud  ● Insolvency and Winding Up  ● Competition Law ● Competition Economics  ● Mergers, Amalgamations & Acquisitions (M&A)  ● Legal & Financial Due Diligence ● Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Course Includes

● 6-Month Course ● 15-20 Hours Reading + 1-2 Live Classes in a Week ● 70+ On-Campus Classes with Recordings for Later Access  ● 20+ Expert Faculty  ● 550+ Video Learning Materials  ● Access to 15+ E-books on EBC Reader ● Relevant Articles  ● Access to 100+ Case Law  ● Industry Expert Lecture Webinars  ● Curated Mock Exercises for Hands-on Training  ● Personalised Feedback on Assignments  ● 500+ MCQ Assignments  ● Personalised Mentoring  ● Mastery Certificate  ● 100% Placement Assistance with our Internship & Placement Partners and Others  ● Recording Student Portfolio Videos.

Who Should Take This Course?

Law Students and Recent Law Graduates, Management and Engineering Students. The course would help launch law students into a career in corporate law and practitioners develop their corporate law practice. Business professionals, advisors and managers interested in a detailed legal understanding of corporate affairs may take this course to hone their legal skills.

Why did we come up with this course?

The corporate world has today assumed prime importance and is in large part responsible for the development of the Indian economy. The coming of the startup era, the focus on ease of doing business, corporate law and regulation reform, tax reform, labour reform, the focus on job creation and entrepreneurship are all symbolic of this focus. With this increased focus the legal and regulatory framework has become more and more complex. Only those thrive who know the law and know how to manage and operate within it. The business executive today is only too aware of the need to know corporate law. The realisation of her vision is inextricably linked with knowing and operating in this complex regulatory and compliance framework.

The focus on and the need to know and understand the legal framework concerning corporations is reflected in Indian law schools. While earlier law school education was focused on preparing persons for being legal advocates, today that focus has shifted to preparing them for the corporate world. Today when we speak to a group of law school students on campus, or elsewhere we hear the following:

“I want to become a corporate lawyer.” The words keep getting repeated while our polite enquiries extend to the person standing next. Until we reach the end of the circle where you don’t have to ask the question, the only one-word echo is “corporate”.

There is another picture when we speak to partners at law firms or businesses looking to hire law graduates and practitioners. They lament upon the absence of training, and their target shifts to the state of affairs of legal education. It is not just about the graduates and legal practitioners. We have even heard the same cyclic arguments for interns that they have taken or are yet to take.

From the above, we concluded that a) talent and enthusiasm are abundant for corporate law, b) there is demand for corporate lawyers and experts, and c) there is no place where this immense potential of corporate law enthusiasts meets opportunities. And so we decided to offer a course on corporate law with law firms and practitioners along with CAs and corporate advisors as the teachers. These teachers bring to the course practical knowledge that is vital for succeeding in the corporate world.

Many first and second years students often complain, “I don’t know anything about corporate law. How will I get an internship?” It is correct that one is not introduced to company law in the fourth semester or sixth trimester. Thus, there is no introduction to even the basics of company law. How will this person look for an internship in a firm dealing with corporate law? Also, why will any law firm look for an intern to whom a lot of training time is devoted? Instead of having some hands to help, one is required to extend a helping hand. Given this, fresh graduates looking for jobs don’t often know what to do at a law firm and find it hard to find someone to train them. It is only through luck that they may get assigned to a project that provides a learning opportunity or a senior who cares enough to train young graduates.

It is not only students in law school who have these legitimate grievances. Experienced practitioners, business executives, accountants and corporate advisors often don't know where to go to upskill themselves. It is hard for them to spare time to join a full-time residential course.

The above examples are only illustrative of the state of affairs. Business executives, legal practitioners, law students, in-house counsels, practitioners in law firms, accountants and corporate advisors need to know and continually upskill themselves to effectively manage today's large businesses and undertake complex transactions. Law students need professional training so that they are fit for the market and have a competitive edge. Hence we bring to you the Mastery Certificate in Advanced Corporate. With 70+ professional lectures, practical workshops and assignments, 550+ videos, reference books and reading materials this course will train one like no other.

What's different about the Mastery Certificate?

The EBC Learning Mastery Certificate is given for mastery in a particular practice-oriented field of law. The Mastery Certificate is offered on completion of specific intensive courses in the given field. As part of the Certificate, students undergo rigorous training in theory and practice. The theoretical teaching done through the lecture method ensures that the student knows the applicable law. But where knowing the law may be too cumbersome, where only an overview may be possible, we ensure that the student knows where and how to find the law. As they say, the objective of legal education is not so much that a person knows the law but that the student learns the legal method. This enables the person to find the law. The first level is then focused on knowing the law, and where that may not be possible, at least being able to find it.

The second and most crucial aspect of the Mastery Certificate is that we prepare the student to think and understand the reasons behind why the present law is the way that it is. How it can change? What are the loopholes? What arguments can be made? What may a court of law accept and which way are the law courts leaning? This intensive study of the ‘why’ and ‘what it could be’ is undertaken by a critical study of current judicial decisions. The second level of teaching in the Mastery Certificate Course ensures that the student can critically evaluate the law and come up with new innovative solutions to current legal problems for the client and even contribute to developing the law.

The next most essential component of the Mastery Certificate is the training in practical skills. What authorities must one approach? What form must one fill? What contracts must be drafted? It is the how, what, where? In classes aimed at the practical, we teach the student how to go about a particular task as required by a client. In sum, ‘how to do’ particular client-oriented tasks is the focus of these classes.

All in all, with the focus on all three areas (knowing, critiquing and applying), the Mastery Certificate truly ensures that one becomes a master in a particular subject. The level of discussion in these classes is both broad and deep. The sheer breadth of topics covered in the Certificate gives the law student the ability to look for solutions in different areas of law. But at the same time, the in-depth study equips the student to effectively execute any given solution for a client. The Mastery Certificate truly makes one a master.

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Table Of Contents:

WEEK 1 Corporate Law Methods

1.1. Live Class 01: Legal Methods for Non-Lawyers

WEEK 2-3 Evolution, Foundation and Essential Concepts of Corporate Law

2.1. Live Class 02: The emergence of the Corporate Form: Partnership, LLP and HUF to the Limited Liability Company

2.2. Live Class 03: Aspects of the law of Agency Relevant to Corporate Law

2.3. Live Class 04: Principal-Agent Relationship in Company Law

2.4. Live Class 05: Corporate Personality

2.5. Live Class 06: Limited Liability

2.6. Live Class 07: Lifting/Piercing the Corporate Veil

2.7. Live Class 08: Corporate Citizenship

WEEK 3-4 Corporate Contract Drafting

3.1. Live Class 09: Introduction to Contract Drafting

3.2. Live Class 10: Going over Agency, Partnership and LLP Contracts

3.3. Live Class 11: Reviewing Corporate Contracts from a Disputes Perspective

WEEK 5-7 Choosing an Entity and Registration or Incorporation

4.1. Live Class 12: Choosing an Entity for Business

4.2. Live Class 13: Incorporating an LLP

4.3. Live Class 14: Incorporation, Articles and Promoters

4.4. Live Class 15: Incorporating a Company

4.5. Live Class 16: Effect of Pre-Incorporation Contracts

WEEK 7 Basics of Accounting/ Financial Statements for a Company

5.1. Live Class 17: Accounting Basics Including Balance Sheet, Income Statement

5.2. Live Class 18: Financial Statements of a Company

WEEK 8-12 Raising Capital

6.1.Live Class 19: Understanding Shares (kinds, members, allotment and transfer)

6.2. Live Class 20: Deal Process for fund raising

6.3. Live Class 21: Structuring of Investments

6.4. Live Class 22: Raising Capital Through FDI

6.5. Live Class 23: Financial Due Diligence and Valuation

6.6. Live Class 24: Shareholder Agreement

6.7. Live Class 25: Secretarial Processes During Private Equity and Venture Capitalist Fund Raising

6.8. Live Class 26: Investor Exit Methods

6.9. Live Class 27: Public Offering, Capital Markets and Securities: Overview of all applicable rules and regulations

6.10. Live Class 28: IPO Process and Role of Different Legal Counsels

6.11. Live Class 29: Legal Due Diligence (Checklist and report) IPO Process

6.12. Live Class 30: Draft Red Herring Prospectus (Relevant parts for drafting/ reviewing)

6.13. Live Class 31: Going over Auditor’s Deliverables

6.14. Live Class 32: Insider Trading

6.15. Live Class 33: Other Varieties of Issues and Restructuring in Capital Markets

WEEK 13 Debt Financing

7.1. Live Class 34: Loans, Borrowings, and Lending

7.2. Live Class 35: Understanding Debt Securities

7.3. Live Class 36: Practical Aspects of Issuing Debentures

WEEK 14-15 Directors, Managers and Committees

8.1. Live Class 37: Directors

8.2. Live Class 38: Directors' and Key Managerial Persons’ Duty of Care

8.3. Live Class 39: Promoters

8.4. Live Class 40: Board Committees, Related Party Transaction and Key Managerial Personnel, Secretarial Audit

WEEK 15 Meetings

9.1. Live Class 41: Board Meetings & Shareholder Meetings

WEEK 15-16 Conflicts in Corporate Form

10.1. Live Class 42: Directors v. Shareholders: Voting Systems and Meetings

10.2 Live Class 43: Majority v. Minority Shareholders

10..3. Live Class 44: Majority v. Minority Rights

10.4. Live Class 45: Shareholders' Litigation and Class Action

WEEK 17 Accounts, Investigation and Fraud

11.1. Live Class 46: Investigations, Inquiry, Inspections & Fraud

11.2. Live Class 47: Accounts and Audit With Respect To Investigations, Inquiry, Inspections & Fraud

11.3. Live Class 48: Corporate Fraud

WEEK 18-22 Insolvency and Winding Up

12.1. Live Class 49: Winding Up

12.2. Live Class 50: Introducing Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

12.3. Live Class 51: Initiating CIRP

12.4. Live Class 52: Insolvency Procedure before Adjudicating Authority

12.5. LIve Class 53: IRP, CoC and Raising Claim

12.6. Live Class 54: Resolution Applicant and Resolution Plan - I

12.7. Live Class 55: Resolution Applicant and Resolution Plan - II

12.8. Live Class 56: Corporate Assets Valuation under IBC

12.9. Live Class 57: Liquidation

12.10. Live Class 58: Fast Track CIRP, Prepacks & Cross border, Penalties under IBC

12.11. Live Class 59: NCLT & NCLAT & SC Litigation & Drafting related to IBC

WEEK 22-24 Concepts in Competition Economics and Law

13.1. Live Class 60: Competition Economics

13.2. Live Class 61: Relevant Market and Sources of Market Power

13.3. Live Class 62: Competition Law

13.4. Live Class 63: Competition Law Advisory and Opinions

13.5. Live Class 64: Competition Law Litigation, Recent Trends

WEEK 24-27 Mergers, Amalgamations & Acquisitions

14.1. Live Class 65: Structuring an M&A Transaction: Startups & Emerging M&A Structures

14.2. Live Class 66: Commercial Due Diligence & Overview: Looking for a deal, the deal process and valuation

14.3. Live Class 67: Tax Implications of Structuring

14.4. Live Class 68: M&A Due Diligence Process

14.5. Live Class 69: M&A Deal Agreements and Negotiation

14.6. Live Class 70: Hostile Takeovers

14.7. Live Class 71: Financing acquisitions

14.8. Live Class 72: M&A Disputes and Litigation

14.9. Live Class 73: Merger Control

WEEK 28 Corporate Social Responsibility

15.1. Live Class 74: Corporate Social Responsibility

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