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To keep a track of the ever changing law and to put an end to frustrating and time consuming search, all you need is a reliable source for statutory law (Central, U.P. and Uttarakhand), the Lucknow Law Times?.
Published since 1960, this monthly journal brings to you Acts, Ordinances, Rules and Notifications of the Central and U.P. and Uttrakhand Government, Notifications of the Allahabad High Court, Supreme Court of India, Central and U.P. Board of Revenue and Allahabad Bar Council.
In this long period, LLT? has earned for itself a reputation for fast and accurate reporting of statutory law at the lowest cost possible, and it is today giving you the highest reporting covering well over 1000 pages.
LLT? also has a Hindi section of important Acts, Rules, Ordinances, Notifications, President's Acts and Constitution amending Acts.?
LLT?s time tested arrangement and style of formatting makes it an easy and quick to locate reference tool.?it is today appreciated and relied upon by judges, lawyers, Government officials and the industry.
Lucknow Law Times? provides:
Part I: Thought provoking articles on current topics of interest in its journal section.
Part II: Central Ordinances, Acts of Parliament, Regulations, President?s Acts and Constitution Amending Acts.
Part III: Notifications, Orders, Rules and Regulations of Central Government and Supreme Court of India.
Part IV: U.P. Ordinances and Acts.
Part V: Notifications, Orders, Rules and Regulations issued by U.P. Government, Allahabad High Court, U.P. Board of Revenue and Allahabad Bar Council.
Reasons For Subscription:
Prompt Reporting of Statutory Law
LLT? provides extensive and up-to-date information on the latest legislation and important pronouncements of the Central, U.P. and Uttarakhand Government and the Supreme Court of India.
Reliable Reporting
Utmost accuracy is ensured by relying only on the original sources of information. The expert editors of LLT? are committed to produce a publication that can be relied upon.
Exclusive Content
LLT? makes available information that is hard to find elsewhere. This saves your precious time and effort.
Instant Access
LLT?s intelligently designed tools such as the Alphabetical and Chronological lists, Table of ?Statements of Objects and Reasons?, Table of ?Dates of Enforcement of Acts of Parliament? provide quick access to the relevant information.
One-stop-source to U.P., Uttarakhand and Central statutes
LLT? provides you with all the statutory law that you need from U.P., Uttarakhand, and the Central Government available at one place. Today, it is almost considered required reading and is widely read by legal practitioners, judges, government institutions, academics, political scientists, law colleges, industry and others who need to keep abreast of the changing laws.
Treaties Section
Acts of Parliament, Central Ordinances, Regulations, President's Acts and Constitution Amending Acts
Rules, Regulations, Orders and Notifications of Central Government and Supreme Court of India.
U.P. Acts and Ordinances
Rules, Regulations, Orders and Notifications issued by U.P. Government, Allahabad High Court, U.P. Board of Revenue and Allahabad Bar Council.
Uttrakhand Acts, Ordinances Rules, Orders and Notifications.