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'The Constitution of India detailed contents' - for a complete and thorough understanding of the subject.
'About India', covering Government and Political Structure, Geography, Population, and Economy.
Comparative Chart of Indian and U.S Constitutions.
Table of Amendments and Provisions Altered/Inserted/Repealed.
List of Larger Bench Decisions.
List of Chief Justices of India.
The compact size makes it convenient to carry.
Small leather-bound book is easy to use and cite in court.
Holding the Constitution is holding the destiny of the nation written 70 years ago.
The Constitution distributes powers between the Centre and the States and separates powers among the three organs of the State.
The Judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, established its primacy post-Emergency, ensuring the sanctity of rights bestowed by the Constitution.
The Constitution has revolutionized lives, safeguarding rights like human rights, freedom of speech, and the right to life and liberty.
Every Indian, regardless of profession, should have a copy of the Constitution, finding inspiration in its ideas.
"Today, therefore, this little book in our hands has revolutionized the lives of the people.
We have a long march ahead and day-after-day the sacred words of the Directive Principles of the Constitution have brought solace to the billions of people of this country; and that is why I believe that every Indian, whether he be a lawyer, judge or not, should have a copy of this little book, small in size but huge in its human dimensions.
I believe that this elegant book should be in the pockets of every Indian, enabling him to derive inspiration from the greatness of the ideas contained in the Constitution of India, which we, the people of India, have given unto ourselves."
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About India
Making of the Indian Constitution
The Constitution of India
Part I - The Union and its Territory
Part II - Citizenship
Part III - Fundamental Rights
Part IV - Directive Principles of State Policy
Part IV - A Fundamental Duties
Part V - The Union
Part VI - The States
Part VII - The States in Part B of the First Schedule
Part VIII - The Union Territories
Part IX - The Panchayats
Part IX-A - The Municipalities
Part IX-B - The Co-operative Societies
Part X - The Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Part XI - Relations Between the Union and the States
Part XII - Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits
Part XIII - Trade, Commerce and Intercourse Within the Territory of India
Part XIV - Services Under the Union and the States
Part XIV-A - Tribunals
Part XV - Elections
Part XVI - Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes
Part XVII - Official Language
Part XVIII - Emergency Provisions
Part XIX - Miscellaneous
Part XX - Amendment of the Constitution
Part XXI - Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions
Part XXII - Short Title, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi and Repeals
I - Comparative Chart of the Indian & US Constitution
II - Table of Amendments and Provisions Altered/Inserted/Repealed
III - Amending Legislations to the Constitution
IV - Chief Justices of India
V - List of Larger Bench Decisions