Books Approved and Recommended by
Bar Council of India Trust and
National Law School of India University, Bangalore
We are glad to introduce to you a collection of highly authoritative and standard 'Social Sciences for Law Students Series' for the law students of the 5 year law course.
These books are published in collaboration with the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, and under the aegis of the Bar Council of India. The manuscripts of these books are prepared by the experts of respective subjects, and are a must for any law college and student of the 5 year law course.
Full Set Contains:
1. History of India (Part-I) by H.V. Sreenivasa Murthy
This book is primarily designed to meet the demands of the students of law and to provide them with an appropriate historical background – political, socio-economic, law and legal institutions, judicial organisation – for the study of law in a better and truer perspective. The lucid treatment of the subject makes it very interesting for the students. A subject-index and a chapter-wise bibliography enhance the utility of the book.
2. History of India (Part-II) by H.V. Sreenivasa Murthy & V.S. Elizabeth
The work continues from Part-I and covers the period after the death of Aurangzeb to the present day. While dealing with the historical facts, the emphasis of the author is to reflect on the socio-political aspects as well as the growth of the legal institutions. A chapter on 'Makers of Indian Law' has also been added.
3. Economics by K.C. Gopalakrishnan & Ramdass
This book on Economics is written keeping in mind the needs of law students and explains the concepts and principles of economics in such a manner that generates interest among law students. In each chapter, care has been taken to focus on the interaction and inter-relationship between Law and Economics. Wherever relevant, case law relating to socio-economic legislation has been critically examined.
4. Legal Economics (Interactional Dimensions of Economics and Law) by K.C. Gopalakrishnan
The book presents the concepts of Economics in such a manner that generates interest among law students. An attempt has been made to outline the impact of the New Economy Policy (NEP) on each topic in Economics.
The book has two parts: Part I – Deals with the Macro and Micro aspects of Economics, and the interaction and relationship between Law and Economics. Part II – Deals with Economic Analysis of Law. Additionally, some important topics dealt with are: Tort Law, Contract, Criminal Law and Consumer Protection Act.
5. Political Theory and Organisation by L.S. Rathore & S.A.H. Haqqi
This compendious volume is especially meant for the first year law students of the five-year degree course. It unravels the growth of liberalism and Marxist thought in India. The Hindu and Islamic conceptions of the State have been dealt with. The succulent presentation of ideologies in modern India is an added attraction of this book.
6. Sociology by T.K. Oommen & C.N. Venugopal
This textbook meets adequately the specific needs of Indian undergraduate students. The book is divided into two parts. Part one is a concise introduction to sociology as a science and craft, basic sociological concepts and prominent theories. Part two is focused on Indian social reality. The book devotes attention not only to competing theories and differing perspectives but also to the complex character of social reality. It is a valuable aid to understand sociology, in general and Indian society, in particular.
7. International Relations and Organisation by B.S. Murthy
This work deals with the fundamentals of International Relations and Organisation in a very simple language and descriptive style. The book examines such topics as - the history of the evolution of world community, methods employed to study international relations in the past, participants involved in international decision-making, etc. Prof. Murthy was associated with the framing of the five-year law curriculum. He understands the scope of this subject in legal education more than anyone else.