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Income Tax Rules
Together Rs. 5763
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Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1744 pages
Publisher: Bharat Law House
Language: English
ISBN: 9788119565986
Dimensions: 24.2 X 16.3 X 4.7 CM
Publisher Code: 9788119565986
Date Added: 2024-07-26
Search Category: Lawbooks,ebooks
Jurisdiction: Indian
DIVISION ONE INCOME TAX & ALLIED RULES The Income-tax Rules, 1962 Chronological list of amendments
The Income-tax Rules, 1962 Text of Rules and Forms Subject Index ANNEXURE 1: Income Computation and Disclosure Standards A. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard I relating to accounting policies B. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard II relating to valuation of inventories C. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard III relating to construction contracts D. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard IV relating to revenue recognition E. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard V relating to tangible fixed assets F. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard VI relating to the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates G. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard VII relating to government grants H. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard VIII relating to securities I. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard IX relating to borrowing costs J. Income Computation and Disclosure Standard X relating to provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets Circular No. 10/2017, dated 23-3-2017: Clarifications on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) notified under section 145(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
The Income-tax (Certificate Proceedings) Rules, 1962 Text of Rules and Forms Chronological list of amendments Subject Index
The Income-tax (Appellate Tribunal) Rules, 1963 Text of Rules and Forms Chronological list of amendments CBDT Instruction: Revision of monetary limits for filing of appeals by the department before Income-tax Appellate Tribunal, High Courts and Supreme Court — Measures for reducing litigation — Regarding Instructions regarding e-payment of ITAT fees Subject Index
Income-tax (Dispute Resolution Panel) Rules, 2009 Text of the Rules Chronological list of amendments
The Income-tax Settlement Commission (Procedure) Rules, 1997 Text of the Rules Chronological list of amendments
The Authority for Advance Rulings (Procedure) Rules, 1996 Text of the Rules
Equalisation Levy Rules, 2016 Text of the Rules
Reverse Mortgage Scheme, 2008 [For purposes of section 47(xvi)] Text and Forms of the Scheme
Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988 [For purposes of sections 54(2), 54B(2), 54D(2), 54F(4) and 54G(2)] Text and Forms of the Scheme Notification: Banks authorised to receive deposits under the scheme
Bank Term Deposit Scheme, 2006 [For purposes of section 80C(2)(xxi)] Text and Forms of the Scheme
National Pension Scheme Tier II – Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 [For purposes of section 80C(2)(xxv)] Text of the Scheme
Faceless jurisdiction of Income-tax Authorities Scheme, 2022 [For purposes of section 130(1) and (2)] Text of the Scheme
e-Verification Scheme, 2021 [For purposes of section 135A(1) and (2)] Text of the Scheme
e-Assessment of Income Escaping Assessment Scheme, 2022 [For purposes of section 151A(1) and (2)] Text of the Scheme
Faceless Inquiry or Valuation Scheme, 2022 [For purposes of section 142B(1) and (2)] Text of the Scheme
Centralised Processing of Returns Scheme, 2011 [For purposes of section 143(1A)] Text of the Scheme
Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 (1) Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 [For purposes of section 143(3A)] (2) Directions under section 143(3B) for Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 (3) Conduct of assessment proceedings through "E-Proceeding" facility during financial year 2019-20 — regarding: Circular No. 27 of 2019, dated September 26, 2019
e-Settlement Scheme, 2021 [For purposes of section 245D(11) and (12)] Text of the Scheme
e-Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2022 [For purposes of section 245MA(3) and (4)] Text of the Scheme
E-advance Rulings Scheme, 2022 [For purposes of section 245R(9) and (10) and 245W(2) and (3)] Text of the Scheme
e-Appeals Scheme, 2023 Text of the Scheme
Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 (1) Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 [For purposes of section 250(6B) and (6C)] (2) Authorised Income-tax Authorities to conduct e-appeal proceedings
Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021 (1) Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021 [For purposes of section 274(2A)] (2) Directions under section 274(2B) for Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021
Centralised Processing of Equalisation Levy Statement Scheme, 2023 [For purposes of section 168(2), Finance Act, 2016] Text of the Scheme