Sarkar Civil Court Practice & Procedure Manual is a handy and reliable commentary on various provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. For ease of understanding, the multitude of provisions and rules in the Code have been systematically arranged and structured. This work consists of three parts: Part I traces the entire life of a suit from its institution to execution. Part II is aimed at familiarizing the readers with some other key statutes/legislations that they will encounter or may be required to refer to in their day-to-day practice of civil law. And Part III contains various forms of pleadings, petitions, deeds, etc
Key Features:
- Authoritative, time-tested, handy and reliable commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
- Thoroughly updated and extensively revised edition with latest case law, amendments, legislative changes, and scores of other significant changes and developments
- Entire life of a suit - from institution to execution - systematically arranged, structured and explained
- Provides a ready-reckoner of sorts for some key allied statutes frequently used by civil law practitioners
- Chapter on Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 has been extensively revised
- Contains ready reference chart on the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 with some key decisions
- Presents a comprehensive overview of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 with landmark judgments
- Offers a short commentary on the key changes introduced in the Specific Relief Act, 1963 by the 2018 amendment