By Patricia Londono, David Eady, A.T.H. Smith, R...
5th Edition 2017, with Supplement, 2019
Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt is a comprehensive and authoritative commentary on the subject, explaining everything from the development of contempt, its origins in common...
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By Klaus Mehler, Stefan Moller
Over the last few decades the exchange of goods and services between the industrialised countries and China has increased rapidly. It has become one of the main sources of...
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By John Powell, Roger Stewart, Mark Cannon, Davi...
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Jackson & Powell is the definitive text on Professional Liability. It provides comprehensive coverage of the law of professional...
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By Christopher Walton, Roger Cooper, Stephen Tod...
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The main authority on the law of negligence, and frequently cited in court, Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence covers both common law and statutory duty. The new...
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By Stephan Spehl,Thomas Gruetzner
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By Dieter Drohmann,?Matthew Townsend
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By Burkhard Hess, Paul Oberhammer and Thomas Pfe...
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By Genevi?ve Helleringer and Kai Purnhagen
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By Anthony Arnull
The European Union is rarely out of the news and, as it deals with the consequences of the Brexit vote and struggles to emerge from the eurozone crisis, it faces difficult questions...
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