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International Institutions : International Law and Huma
Product List : Total 5 results
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Towards a European Legal Culture
By Genevi?ve Helleringer and Kai Purnhagen

Hardback: Rs. 30,000.00  Rs. 25,500.00
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A Handbook on Accession to the WTO  A WTO Secretariat Publication
By World Trade Organization
  2008 Edition
The Handbook provides the first detailed explanation and analysis of the process whereby governments become Members of the WTO. The WTO Agreement, which came into force on 1 January, 1995, provides few...

HARDBACK: Rs.6600.00 Rs.5940.00 | PAPERBACK: Rs.2039.00 Rs.1835.00 | testing book: Rs.15.00 Rs.10.00 |
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The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization  Text, Cases & Materials
By Peter Van den Bossche
  2nd Edition, 2008
As the leading student text in the field, this title provides both a detailed examination of the law of the World Trade Organization and a clear introduction to the basic principles and underlying logic...

HARDBACK: Rs.10175.00 Rs.9158.00 | PAPERBACK: Rs.4080.00 Rs.3672.00 |
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International Institutions and National Policies
By Xinyuan Dai
  2007 Edition
Introduces an alternative framework to explain how international institutions influence national policies. Uses a new theoretical framework to address central questions in...

HARDBACK: Rs.3825.00 Rs.3443.00 | PAPERBACK: Rs.1359.00 Rs.1223.00 |
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Responsibility of International Organisations towards other International Organisations
By Professor Bimal N. Patel
  2013 Edition
The Responsibility of International Organisations towards Other International Organisations: Law and Practice of the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union (EU)...

eBOOK: Rs.1155.00 Rs.865.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.1155.00 Rs.578.00 |